Abstract Submission
Authors are invited to submit their Policy Brief abstracts of up to 300 words in English. Co-authorship is encouraged. Files should be submitted as a PDF (.pdf) or Word document (.doc/.docx). Submissions should include:
- Title of the Policy Brief
- Related T7 Task Force
- Abstract, including:
- Presentation of the global policy challenge perceived as critically important by the author(s)
- Proposed action to be taken by G7 countries
- Economic, social and/or environmental relevance for global governance
- Author Details, including:
- Name(s)
- Affiliation(s)
- Contact information
- Brief biography
Key Dates
- Receipt of Policy Brief Abstracts: December 31, 2024, at 24:00 EST (late submissions will not be accepted)
- Notification of Acceptance of Policy Brief Abstracts: January 21, 2025
- Note: Draft Policy Briefs will be subject to an internal peer-review process. Detailed guidelines for Policy Briefs will be sent to authors upon acceptance of their abstracts.
Publication and Participation
- The selected Policy Briefs will be published on the T7 Canada website.
- Authors and some other interested parties will be invited to join the T7 Canada Summit (date TBC) and other T7-associated events.
Submission-Related Inquiries
For information about T7 Canada abstracts and related issues, please contact: [email protected]. Abstracts may be sent to this email or choose and upload your file in the box below.
We look forward to your contributions and to collaboratively developing impactful policy recommendations for the G7 Presidency.
Please upload your abstract as either a PDF (.pdf) or Word (.doc/.docx) file.